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Technology Risk Assessment

Technology Risk & Cyber Vulnerability Assessment

Cyber threats today are no laughing matter as the cost of a breach and associated remediation is very expensive not only in dollars but can also affect the organization’s value and reputation. Many organizations, both large and small, may have taken some steps by investing in security products or services, but they need to invest in a holistic approach to cyber security.

The Technology Risk and Vulnerability Assessment, is a process that defines, identifies, and classifies the security holes (vulnerabilities) in an organization’s utilization of technology. The regulations are becoming more stringent in response to the bad actors becoming more prolific and persistent with their attacks. It takes more than mere hardware and software to effectively defend and respond now. An independent vulnerability analysis can forecast the effectiveness of proposed countermeasures and evaluate their actual effectiveness after they are put into use.

1. ICG approaches each Technology Risk Management (TRM) engagement holistically looking at how people, process, and technology interact in a security lifecycle of Assess, Secure and Optimize.

2. Covers 16+ areas in the ISO 27002:13/NIST SP 800 framework.

3. Can optionally include a thorough network security assessment with:
a. Passive recon to determine and benchmark your company’s internet presence and attack vectors
b. External network vulnerability & penetration testing with enterprise class tools and techniques
c. OWASP web site and web app testing
d. Internal network vulnerability assessment
e. A customized Email Phishing campaign to ascertain the level of understanding & compliance by end users.

4. The deliverables include a “Plain English” Executive Summary Report & Action Guide via risk ranked (by both likelihood & impact) detailed technical report with specific remediation guidance for each validated vulnerability.

5. Our security consulting staff is highly qualified and holds the following certifications:

A Technology Risk & Vulnerability Assessment will look at your operations, processes, IT systems, and services with the goal of helping your organization understand potential exposure to a breach or cyber-attack. Once risks are identified, controls can be put in place to mitigate that risk to acceptable levels that will ultimately help you identify, detect, prevent, respond, and recover from a cyber threat.

ICG performs other compliance readiness assessments including; HIPAA, PCI-DSS, GLBA, FFIEC, SOx, & CJIS